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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-24  |  226KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: book | bulletin board | daily | door | earth | gazette | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane
OCR: LocalTalk PC Card System Rexuirements asn QI PC.Card drive and MS-DOS Version 3.1 Hecc mmended equipment: will noec: later (ora comatible Apple Laserwiriter. An IBM PC , PC XT, PC AT. ing 5ystcm} Writer Phis, Taser\Vriter IINT PS/2 (Modc) 25 or Moxdel 30 An. AppleTalk netwok hat LaserWriter IINTX printct ora compatinle computer uSCS the Lxatralk cabling LocalTalk net- . minimum of 256K RAM systern work cables fo all additional either 1wo double- -sided Local'Tatk Lcking computer on the network iloppy disk drive one hard Connexior KitDB9 Appleshare File Server ard disk floppy Print Server soltwarc Appteshare PC Worksttion olware Technkcal Soecifications AppleTall protocol Configuration Print- fik formats supported uoddns Sclectable Interrupt Rexjuext PostScripr LAP DDP ATP, NBP ZIP.FP IRQ) ...